Dragon Ball Z Abridged Parody Wiki


Chiaotzu is a white-skinned, red-cheeked little human. His best friend is Tien whom is also part of the Z-fighters. In the TFS parody series, Chiaotzu plays a rather small role. He is normally put into the series to cause humiliation towards him and Tien about their friendship. Nappa sees Chiaotzu as a Pokemon in the parody and he attempts to "capture" him. Chiaotzu dies in his attempt to defeat Nappa with a kamikaze act. Not aware of the fact that he cannot be brought back to life by the Dragon Balls more than once, he is utterly too late and he explodes. This causes Nappa to call the attempt "Self-Destruct"; a Pokemon move. Along with Tien, Yamcha, and Piccolo, Chiaotzu travels to King Kai's in the afterlife to train and remain there until the other Z-fighters bring them back.
